Please donate now to provide critically needed medical care and supplies

As the world navigates the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19, we are appealing for your help to support our WE Villages partner communities. These are among the world’s most vulnerable populations who are at extreme risk from this global health crisis, and it is critical that we act now to provide medical care and supplies.

We need your help to prepare at risk-communities to fight this pandemic

In order to help stop the spread of COVID-19, it is imperative that our network of medical staff, community health volunteers, local teams and teachers are equipped with essential training and knowledge about the virus. Your support will ensure this training can be carried out through radio campaigns, flyers, in-person workshops and a “Training of Trainers” programme that empowers community ambassadors to join as additional trainers. Additionally, your donation will enable us to provide critical medical supplies, protection gear and sanitation products to medical staff and communities.

Your support is needed to help communities curb the spread of COVID-19

Now more than ever, it is essential for students and families to have access to handwashing and sanitation workshops that will educate them about COVID-19 and how to prevent its spread. Your support will enable this training to be provided through radio campaigns, flyers, in-person workshops and a “Training of Trainers” programme. Additionally, you will ensure our local teams can distribute soap to communities so that they have adequate resources for proper hygiene and health.

We urgently ask you to donate today to help save lives: providing health care workers and families with the resources they need during this critical time.

Every single donation will help in responding to COVID-19 in our partner communities. Click to donate a gift or a custom amount.

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