
The river gives, but it also takes: Watch Nepapa walk a new path for clean water in Kenya


The river gives, but it also takes: Watch Nepapa walk a new path for clean water in Kenya


For 30 years, Nepapa walked 5 hrs each day for water, until now

Nepapa Kishoiyan’s connection to the river runs deep. For her whole life, the 65-year-old Maasai woman relied on the river to provide this essential resource. For years, every day consisted of a 5-hour hike to the water source, a journey that not only consumed time and energy, but one which resulted in jerry cans brimming with unclean water. This dirty water would then be used for everything from drinking to cooking to taking care of the animals.

Walk with Nepapa, and watch what happens when her community partners with WE to redefine water access.

Clean water is a core component of WE Villages’ holistic and sustainable development model. Donate here or shop and support clean water efforts with your purchase.

Deepa Shankaran
Deepa Shankaran
Deepa Shankaran

Deepa Shankaran is a senior writer and video producer with WE. Her favourite thing in the world is a good story.

Ken Galloway
Ken Galloway
Ken Galloway

Ken Galloway is an award-winning video director and senior creative, who is passionate about telling stories that matter.

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