
Local school's environment club cleans up in Amazon


Local school's environment club cleans up in Amazon


The WE Villages Clean Schools Program in the Amazon

Plastic bags flew through the school yard. Garbage dotted the landscape. There was no soap at the school sinks. Something needed to change this picture; the answer came as a friendly competition.

WE Villages launched the Clean Schools Program across five partner schools in the Amazon. The program is a friendly competition focused on health, hygiene, and giving the environment some much deserved TLC. Students take charge by cleaning up their classrooms (inside and out), and each year, one school is crowned champion.

While there is only one winner, all the schools celebrate their combined efforts to take care of the Earth.

Watch 14-year-old club president Talia (whose school won this year!) tell you how the program has changed her school.

Sara Cornthwaite
Sara Cornthwaite
Sara Cornthwaite

Sara Cornthwaite is a video producer and editor with a love for storytelling. Over the last six years, she was worked in WE Village communities all over the world documenting stories of positive impact.

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