
What's the secret to finding happiness in your everyday life? Helping others!


What's the secret to finding happiness in your everyday life? Helping others!


The science behind happiness is worth exploring if well-being is an everyday goal—as it should be! With today being International Day of Happiness, what better time to ponder how to find happiness?

While it may seem obvious that doing things to feel good will trigger “happy hormones” like serotonin and dopamine, exactly what will make you happy may actually surprise you.

Example: did you know that giving back boosts happiness? It’s called a “helper’s high,” and it’s the result of a release of endorphins in the brain that leave you with a feeling of inner warmth and calmness.

Sound like something you need more of in your life? Then get volunteering!

Below, three inspiring tales of compassion and human kindness to spark that giving spirit.

Washington WE Club’s food drive hits close to home
Washington WE Club’s food drive hits close to home

Over 50 percent of Meridian Middle School’s 600 students get free and reduced-cost lunch each day, while also visiting the local food bank with their families. With the challenge of food insecurity so close to home, students of the school wanted to help their peers and take action against hunger in the community.

Watch as seventh and eighth graders raise awareness around the issue in this heartwarming story of kindness in action.

Medical volunteer trip ignites passion, perspective and partnership.
Medical volunteer trip ignites passion, perspective and partnership.

Knowledge sharing is its own form of giving back.

See this inspiring truth come to light as a group of American medical practitioners experience the mutual benefits of a peer-to-peer skills exchange with fellow health care professionals at the Baraka Hospital in Kenya’s Maasai Mara.

Students step up for Australia wildlife relief efforts and prove the world needs kids who care.
Students step up for Australia wildlife relief efforts and prove the world needs kids who care.

When these students heard how Australia’s wildfires were harming local wildlife, they couldn’t just stand by and watch the news passively—that’s simply not what the WE Schools service-learning program had taught them.

From all the way across the world, a group of young change-makers from Montreal’s Gardenview Elementary School come together to find a way to bridge the distance between themselves and a global cause close to their hearts.

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