
Washington WE Club’s food drive hits close to home


Washington WE Club’s food drive hits close to home


Drive west about three miles from Meridian Middle School in Kent, Washington, and you’ll find yourself at the Kent Food Bank. The two-storey grey building is where the Meridian WE Club brought the donations they accumulated during their WE Scare Hunger campaign in the fall of 2018. It’s also where 20 families from the school received their Thanksgiving dinners.

Over 50 per cent of Meridian’s 600 students get free and reduced-cost lunch each day, and many students visit the Kent Food Bank with their families. For this reason, as Elizabeth Jones—the educator who runs the club—shares, choosing to take action against hunger in their local community was an easy decision for students.

Watch as seventh and eighth graders of Meridian Middle School’s WE Club help their community and peers in this inspiring video of kindness in action.

Zoe Demarco
Zoe Demarco
Zoe Demarco

Zoe Demarco is a writer and production manager for WE Stories. A third generation journalist, she has a natural curiosity for other people’s lives.

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