
A socially conscious guide to spreading the love during a pandemic

Love in the time of COVID-19: Relationships are crucial when we feel isolated. Here is a do-it-yourself guide to say ‘I (heart) you’ from a distance.


A socially conscious guide to spreading the love during a pandemic

Love in the time of COVID-19: Relationships are crucial when we feel isolated. Here is a do-it-yourself guide to say ‘I (heart) you’ from a distance.


COVID-19 has changed everything—including how we relate to friends, family and loved ones. Experts warn of a second, insidious pandemic gripping our communities as we practice physical distancing: loneliness.

Relationships buoy our spirits, providing a much-needed calm in these uncertain times. But how can we show our love while staying safe?

The WE Well-being Playbook is full of ideas to take care of yourself and others. Here, we assembled a list of suggestions to help kick-start your imagination, including some ideas to make your actions go even further with gifts that give back.

Grow together! Summer is upon us, and with it comes gardening season. Get your hands dirty by planting some flowers or fruits and veggies with your family. This year, nurturing seeds in the backyard has taken on a new meaning for many as people plant Victory Gardens, harkening back to turbulent times in the past while providing both a sense of therapy and security.

Make a new tradition! Most yearly traditions, like summer camp or last day of school visits to your favorite restaurant, can’t be kept under COVID-19 rules. Why not start a new tradition that helps someone in need in your community? Gather canned goods from your own kitchen, or take a trip to your local grocery store if you’re able to, and donate them to your local food bank. On your way home, pick up dinner from the resto you’re missing!

Turn someone’s day around! We could all use a bit of positivity right now. Write uplifting notes and post them around your neighbourhood to brighten someone’s day.

Share the love! Now may be the time to adopt that cat or dog that your family has been talking about. Visit your local animal shelter and talk to your kids about what kinds of responsibilities they’re ready to take on. With extra time at home, your new fuzzy friend will appreciate the hugs and your children will benefit from the new role!

Give a gift with heart! Know someone who has to celebrate their birthday in quarantine? Give them a gift that will not only make them smile, but also improves the life of artisans in our partner communities. From delicious chocolate to beautiful Rafikis, check out where to shop ME to WE products near you!