
Three reasons to break ground on a new classroom in Kenya

Families in the Maasai Mara partner with WE Charity to celebrate a new wing to their local school. Watch parents build a better future for their children.


Three reasons to break ground on a new classroom in Kenya

Families in the Maasai Mara partner with WE Charity to celebrate a new wing to their local school. Watch parents build a better future for their children.


School ground breaking in Kenya

Parents and students from the community of Chemagel in Kenya have all come out for a very important day. Gathered together in celebration of their local school, families eagerly anticipate breaking ground on the building’s new wing. Amid cheers and laughter, our local reporter takes us inside the event to uncover the inspiring story behind WE Villages‘ latest partner community in Kenya.

Rouzbeh Heydari
Rouzbeh Heydari
Rouzbeh Heydari

Rouzbeh Heydari has filmed in over twenty countries. He hates being at home but misses it when he's gone.

Ken Galloway
Ken Galloway
Ken Galloway

Ken Galloway is an award-winning video director and senior creative, who is passionate about telling stories that matter.

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