
Help WE and CNN raise awareness of child labour on #MyFreedomDay


Help WE and CNN raise awareness of child labour on #MyFreedomDay

What makes you feel free?

March 14 is #MyFreedomDay, an annual, student-driven social media event to raise awareness of the 40 million people currently enslaved around the world. Started by news broadcaster CNN in 2011, The CNN Freedom Project exposes criminal enterprises, amplifies the voices of survivors, and inspires audiences to take action against modern slavery and child labour.

Our own co-founder Craig Kielburger started WE with 11 friends in his Grade 7 classroom after reading the story of Iqbal Masih, a child slave from Pakistan who was murdered after escaping his captors. Craig and his friends built a global movement on the belief that one child could change the world. Now, because of WE’s long history as a leader in the fight against child labour, we’re working with CNN to support #MyFreedomDay and the millions of youth who want to get involved.

Here’s how you can participate:

Watch the #MyFreedomDay broadcast, including live hits on location with CNN International and WE from Kalinjar, India; London, England; and at the WE Global Learning Centre in Toronto. Tune in to CNN International throughout the day to see how young people around the world are sharing their actions and support.

Check out Craig Kielburger’s exclusive story for #MyFreedomDay about the history of WE, and his advice for young people looking to take action on child labour, on

Share your answer to the question: What makes you feel free? Use the hashtags #MyFreedomDay and #WESchools, and your story could be shared on CNN’s social channels or its #MyFreedomDay website.

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